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来源:滑雪网 作者:admin 点击数: 时间:2008/11/13 1:01:22



  美国科罗拉多雪场Colorado Ski Country USA总裁兼首席执行官Rob Perlman表示,“看到这个滑雪人数的数字,感到很激动。我们的目标是继续保持前两年的数字,即1200万。事实上,科罗拉多州的滑雪场的数字达到了1250万人次。”


  导致滑雪人数下降的原因主要是今年的天气较干燥,降雪较晚。Perlman还表示,“正因为如此,一些雪场停止了经营。还有一些雪场推迟了开业,Mother Nature雪场率先引进先进的设备来继续营业。我们要为国家的滑雪业保持滑雪流量的纪录,并在科罗拉多州旅游局,丹佛国际机场和丹佛地铁的支持下取得了成功。”



  Colorado Reports Second Highest Skier Visits Ever
  SportsOneSource Media   

  The 2007-08 ski season will go down as the second best in Colorado history in terms of skier visits, according to the Colorado Ski Country USA, which represents 26 resorts. The non profit   estimated that its 26 members hosted an estimated 12,535,913 skier visits during the 2007-08 ski season. That was the third consecutive year skier visits topped 12 million. 

  "We are thrilled with this season's numbers. Our goal was to sustain the momentum from the past two record-setting seasons and reach at least 12 million skier visits," explains Rob Perlman, president and CEO of Colorado Ski Country USA. "The fact that Colorado Ski Country achieved more than 12 and a half million skier visits in a year that had its share of distractions says great things about the Colorado brand, the dedication of our guests and the caliber of our member resorts."

  On a national level, the industry saw strong growth in numbers with Colorado making up roughly 20 percent of the overall market share, down slightly from last year's 23 percent market share. This represents a decrease of approximately 30,386 skier visits compared to last year's record setting season. Colorado's skier visits record was set last season with 12,566,299 skier visits and the now third place record was set during the 2005-06 season with 12,533,108 skier visits.

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